Roxane Arnal feat. Baptiste Bailly

Roxane and Baptiste are two monstrously talented and creative young artists, who draw their inspiration from various musical genres such as Folk, Jazz, Blues to name a few.
In 2018, their paths cross, certainly facilitated by Apollo, Greek God of music (among others), who clearly detected the musical power they could offer by joining forces, because it is undeniable, they live their music on stage and we take it, enjoy it, for our greatest good.
After having shared a few stages in Spain, their first 5 track EP “DOORWAYS” was released in October 2020, a mix of compositions and covers deliciously arranged with Folk-pop colours.
The recording took place in Valencia, Spain, with the participation of David Gadea on percussions, Ales Cesarini on double bass and Mariano Steimberg on drums.